Thursday, September 13, 2007

Two movies next week!

Christopher is beginning to announce the movie schedule, which is posted on the class website. Tuesday and Thursday nights next week, from 6:00 to 8:30, we will be showing movie versions of MSND.

Just as a reminder, here the requirements:

  • You must attend 4 performances of Shakespeare plays this semester
  • At least one performances must be live; the rest of the performances may be movies
  • Unless for some reason you are unable to attend, this live performance should be APT's Merchant of Venice on Saturday, November 3rd
  • Any live performance of a Shakespeare play will count, whether or not we are studying that play this semester
  • All of the movies you see must be of texts we are reading this semester; adaptations of texts we are reading are fine -- Scotland, PA, for example, is a well-reputed adaptation of Macbeth
  • The TAs will show 10 movies over the course of the semester, two versions of each of the plays we are reading
  • If you go to one of the movies shown by the TAs, you will get credit for attending if you write your name on the attendance sheet
  • If you choose, instead, to rent a movie you will need to bring in a rental receipt
  • Likewise, if you go to a live performance other than or in addition to MoV you will need to bring in your ticket stub or some other bit of evidence
  • If you see performances beyond the required 4, you will earn extra credit -- 2 points per performance up to a maximum of 5 points

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